Empowerment Reiki is a special Reiki system designed to help Reiki Masters step into their power as a powerful spiritual being and contributor to the planet. Therefore, unlike many Reiki systems, you will not learn this system in one or even two attunements. There are 5 Empowerments which should be completed in order: Empowerment 1: …
Category: Chakra Reiki Attunements
Jul 31
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki Empowerment
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki can be used to: clear People, Places and Things This system will attune you to the energies for psychic protection from psychic attacks, psychic attachments, psychic vampires, people who direct negative energy toward you and how to create a protective shield to place around your aura. You will learn about the …
Jul 06
Mental Flush Empowerments
The Mental Flush Empowerments work to clear the mind by healing the mental body. The mental body is that part of our spiritual being that is made up of our thoughts. Other subtle bodies include the emotional body and the etheric body. Our mental bodies can get clogged with various negative thought forms. These thought …
May 31
Aura Flush Empowerment Reiki Attunement
The Aura Flush is a very gentle, cleansing energy that sweeps through the aura and clears it of negative energy and thought-forms. The Aura Flush makes cleansing the aura simple. Benefits include: 1. Improved sense of happiness and well-being. 2. More physical and emotional energy. 3. Release of negative thought-forms that are creating problems in …
May 23
Chakra Healing Reiki Attunement
The Chakra Healing Attunements work to cleanse and heal the chakras from old issues and negative energies that are being held there. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your life quickly. If you are not used to running energy then it is …
May 23
Akashic Records Reiki Attunement
Akashic is Sanskrit for “primary substance”. The Akashic Records are known by different names throughout the world – such titles as: The Book of Life, the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, the collective subconscious, and the Soul Records. The Akashic records contain all knowledge that is in the past, present, and future. …
May 22
Usui Reiki (Shiki Ryoho Reiki) Master Level 3
At the third level you will be introduced to the Master Symbol and will be able to teach and attune your own students. Included in the manual are guides helping you to teach your own classes and other information to help you. One attunement is included along with ongoing support. An emailed pdf certificate is …
May 18
Usui Reiki (Shiki Ryoho Reiki) Level 1
This is the first of three levels (or degrees as they are sometimes called) and is the start of your Reiki journey. You will receive a distance attunement which will connect you to the energy and enable you to work with Reiki on yourself and friends, family and animals. The manual includes diagrams of hand …
Jun 16
Miracles Reiki
by Manuela Fasoli From the founder….. I channeled Miracles Reiki system in march 2017 and for me is a great great gift because it brought new energy to my faith and my spiritual life. When jesus used to say “your sins were forgiven” people were saved and healed. He made many miracles and saved many …