Psychic Reiki
This Reiki attunement is specifically for assisting with your psychic gifts. The Reiki Psychic Attunement helps increase awareness on all levels: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional, and helps open and expand your natural psychic abilities, as well as helping to clear the above mentioned bodies to allow your natural psychic talents to surface.
This attunement DOES NOT give “Instant Psychic Powers”, but helps to open the person more to allow their natural psychic abilities to come through. As you may have heard many times, everyone has some psychic abilities, but many people either never explore the possibilities, or just don’t know how to.
With this attunement, people who have had experiences with clairvoyance or someone who has had dreams in which they have received information, may experience stronger and clearer messages, information and dreams. It’s also possible for the attunement to open a psychic ability that the person is not aware of.
In most cases people who receive this attunement will experience a very gradual, subtle shift in awareness and psychic abilities. Many times they will not consciously be aware of any increase in their abilities, but that doesn’t mean one is not taking place. The awareness could range from something as clear as making a proper decision in your day to day activities, or as powerful as seeing a future event.
– distance attunement
– manual
– bonus manuals including information about chakras, auras, psychic self development, etc
– certificate
PLUS – you can pass this wonderful energy onto others!!
All of the information for the course and bonus manuals will be sent to you by email