This Reiki attunement is specifically for assisting with your psychic gifts. The Reiki Psychic Attunement helps increase awareness on all levels: mental, physical, spiritual and emotional, and helps open and expand your natural psychic abilities, as well as helping to clear the above mentioned bodies to allow your natural psychic talents to surface. This attunement …
Tag: Healing
Sep 26
Money Reiki Attunement
Money Reiki is a system of Reiki that is here to help you and the planet with money issues. Money Reiki is about the Spiritual Energy of Money. When you are attuned to the Spiritual Energy of Money, you become part of a movement to increase the vibration of money around the world to one …
Sep 26
Inner Beauty Reiki Attunement
Each of us is a shining light that collectively helps to raise the vibration of the earth and lead us to a common goal of happiness and love. Sometimes we fail to see our own inner beauty and light and often we cannot see the light and beauty that is present in everyone around us. …
Sep 23
Empowerment Reiki Attunement
Empowerment Reiki is a special Reiki system designed to help Reiki Masters step into their power as a powerful spiritual being and contributor to the planet. Therefore, unlike many Reiki systems, you will not learn this system in one or even two attunements. There are 5 Empowerments which should be completed in order: Empowerment 1: …
Sep 23
DNA Healing Attunement
DNA Healing Reiki is an easy but powerful system of reiki. It teaches a single powerful symbol that is used during energy healing to bring about healing at a fundamental level. IT has been useful to help conditions such as ~fybromyalgia ~ Chronic Fatique ~ MS and many more WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE BY EMAIL: …
Sep 20
Karmic Flush Empowerment
The Karmic Flush Empowerment came into being after it dawned on me that a lot of low self acceptance and low self esteem about ourselves can stem from past life experiences where we have suffered great loss, sadness and/or vanity and ego. Through the activation and use of the Karmic Flush Empowerment you will learn …
Aug 29
Psychic Forces Reiki
Psychic Forces Reiki is a system from the astrals, it is to help awaken our hidden Psychic powers. The Psychic Forces are hidden in different aspects around us and when the energies are activated those aspects start to work for us in almost everything. It is a system on which after you are attuned it …
Aug 28
Sacred Hamsa Reiki
Hamsa – also known as the Khamsa is a hand shaped amulet used for protection by both Jews and Muslims but now its powerful protection abilities are more widely known and are used worldwide. It is thought to actually pre-date both religions and is associated with the Goddess Tanit whowas a Phoenician Moon Goddess worshiped …
Aug 28
Psychic Protection Flame Reiki
Psychic Protection Flame Attunement is a wonderful attunement for healers, Reiki practitioners, empaths and others that need psychic protection. Once attuned to the Psychic Protection Flame you can invoke Saint Michael and surround yourself with the Psychic Protection Flame. You can also use this to protect a loved one, client, property or situation. Psychic attack …
Aug 28
Grounding Empowerment
Grounding Empowerment has a strong affinity with the Earth energies, making one feel comfortable within the environment. The Grounding Empowerment is a simple energetic tool channelled to help ground and earth ones energies restoring the energy balance, preventing energy leakage, elevating the energy field. Grounding Empowerment is a powerful and useful energetic tool channelled to …