The Angel of Healing Addictive Behavior brings to us the message that we are safe and protected by Spirit and the Angels and that all can be healed through the light of love. All we need to do is surrender any addiction which we wish to release, and which no longer serves us to Spirit …
Tag: rieki
Aug 25
Sacred Etheric Smudge Essence Reiki
Smudging is the burning of herbs or incense for cleansing, purification, protection of physical and spiritual bodies, banishment of negative energies and creation of sacred space. The smoke attaches itself to negative energy and as the smoke clears it takes the negative energy with it releasing it to another space with it will be transformed …
Aug 20
Angel Light Initiation Reiki
Angels are beings of light and act as messengers to help us raise our understanding and consciousness to the higher realms. This attunement will raise your vibration to a higher level and allow you to communicate with them easier. There are 4 parts to the Angel Light Initiation that are completed as one. – The …
Jul 31
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki Empowerment
Negative Entities Clearing Reiki can be used to: clear People, Places and Things This system will attune you to the energies for psychic protection from psychic attacks, psychic attachments, psychic vampires, people who direct negative energy toward you and how to create a protective shield to place around your aura. You will learn about the …
Jul 06
Channelling Flush Empowerment
The Chanelling Flush Empowerment is given from Spirit to enable us to clear any blockages to channeling information and guidance, higher truth from the Higher Beings (Spirit Guides, Higher Self, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, etc) in the Spiritual Dimensions. The Flush will wash away anything that blocks you from contact with the Higher Beings through …
Jul 06
Fortuna Luck Ray Reiki
Being the Roman Goddess of fortune, fate, blessings, luck & fertility, the Fortuna Luck Ray Reiki will be beneficial to anyone wishing to turn him/herself into “Lady Luck”. Call upon the Fortuna Luck Ray when you need to be really lucky. Certain lucky people are bestowned large fortunes. However, on those that have fallen from …
Jul 06
Mental Flush Empowerments
The Mental Flush Empowerments work to clear the mind by healing the mental body. The mental body is that part of our spiritual being that is made up of our thoughts. Other subtle bodies include the emotional body and the etheric body. Our mental bodies can get clogged with various negative thought forms. These thought …
Jul 06
Angelite Stone Energy Reiki
Angelite is an opaque, blue and white crystal that sometimes contains flecks of red. It is formed from Celestite that has been compressed over millions of years. It is found in Peru in masses, nodules and crystals. It is a wonderful stone to promote a sense of calm, serenity and inner peace. The soft light …
Jul 05
Abundantia Abundance Ray Reiki
Abundantia Abundance Ray will connect you with the energy of Abundantia. Abundantia is a Roman Goddess that is known to give prosperity and wealth to those that connect with her. Abundantia’s symbol is the cornucopia or horn of plenty which is how she distributes money and grain to people. She helps with fertility and great …
Jun 01
The Herkimer Diamond Ray of Attunement
The Herkimer Diamond is a master class crystal that brings clarity, helping to highlight issues in oneself and in others. The energy of this master crystal activates the merkabah and opens the energy channels up further, allowing one to “see” what blockages are present. Herkimer Diamond crystals are very powerful crystals and are often used …