Usui Reiki Level 1
This is the first of three levels (or degrees as they are sometimes called) and is the start of your Reiki journey.
You will receive a distance attunement which will connect you to the energy and enable you to work with Reiki on yourself and friends, family and animals.
The manual includes diagrams of hand positions used to self treat and to treat others. You will also read about the history of Reiki and the Reiki Principles. After you have received your attunement you will be able to work with this amazing energy straight away.
Level One Manual Contents
An Introduction to Usui Reiki
Lesson 1: Reiki the Universal Life Force
10 Things That Weaken the Life Giving Energy
Lesson 2: What is Reiki?
Lesson 3: How Reiki Works
Lesson 4: The History of Reiki
The Life of Dr Mikao Usui
Lesson 5: The 5 Reiki Principles
Just For Today I Will Not Worry
Just For Today I Will Not Be Angry
Just For Today I Will Do My Work Honestly
Just For Today I Will Give Thanks For My Many Blessings
Just For Today I Will Be Kind to My Neighbour and Every Living Thing
The 5 Reiki Principles are not commandments; they are simply gifts of wisdom.
Lesson 6: Preparing For Reiki 1
The Path to Reiki
The Initiation Ceremony
Preparing for the Workshop
The Morning of the Workshop
What Happens During The Initiation?
What Happens After Initiation?
Ways to Use Reiki after the Attunement
Lesson 7: Anatomic Illustrations for Reiki
The Endocrine System
The Lymphatic System
Lesson 8: Reiki Self Treatment
How Reiki can help you
How to treat ourself with ReikiI
Self Treatment and Hand Positions
Lesson 9: Preparing To Treat Others with Reiki
Appropriate Environment
Remove All Jewellery
Remove Tight Clothing
Avoid Alcohol
Personal Hygiene
The Invocation
An Example of a Personal Invocation
Cleanse and Harmonise Your Clients Aura
Lesson 10: Treating Others with Reiki
Full Body Treatment — Hand Positions
Lesson 11: Rapid Reiki Treatment
Hand Position 19 in Pictures
Lesson 12: The Ultradian Rhythm Technique
Lesson 13: Group Reiki Treatment
The Benefits of Group Treatment
Guidelines for Conducting a Group Treatment
Lesson 14: Reiki and Pregnancy, Babies & Children
Lesson 15: Reiki Brings Comfort to Those Souls Crossing Over
Working With People Who Are Dying
Lesson 16: Use Your Imagination
Reiki and Animals
Basic Techniques for Animals:
Plants and Vegetation
Basic Techniques for Plants and Vegetation
Food and Drink
Basic Techniques for Food and Drink
Further Uses for Reiki
Lesson 17: Final Thoughts