Category: Manifestation Reiki

Money Reiki Attunement

Money Reiki

Money Reiki is a system of Reiki that is here to help you and the planet with money issues. Money Reiki is about the Spiritual Energy of Money. When you are attuned to the Spiritual Energy of Money, you become part of a movement to increase the vibration of money around the world to one …

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Inner Beauty Reiki Attunement

Inner Beauty Reiki

Each of us is a shining light that collectively helps to raise the vibration of the earth and lead us to a common goal of happiness and love. Sometimes we fail to see our own inner beauty and light and often we cannot see the light and beauty that is present in everyone around us. …

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Empowerment Reiki Attunement

Empowerment Reiki Attunement

Empowerment Reiki is a special Reiki system designed to help Reiki Masters step into their power as a powerful spiritual being and contributor to the planet. Therefore, unlike many Reiki systems, you will not learn this system in one or even two attunements. There are 5 Empowerments which should be completed in order: Empowerment 1: …

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Everyday Manifesting Empowerment Reiki

Everyday Manifesting Empowerment Reiki

The Everyday Manifesting Empowerment is given as a gift from Spirit so that you can make manifesting a part of your everyday life and become the Conscious Creator that the Divine designed you to be. There is a very  powerful energy that comes in with this empowerment giving you the ability to really focus on …

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Karmic Flush Empowerment

Karmic Flush Empowerment

The Karmic Flush Empowerment came into being after it dawned on me that a lot of low self acceptance and low self esteem about ourselves can stem from past life experiences where we have suffered great loss, sadness and/or vanity and ego. Through the activation and use of the Karmic Flush Empowerment you will learn …

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Grounding Empowerment

Grounding Empowerment

Grounding Empowerment has a strong affinity with the Earth energies, making one feel comfortable within the environment. The Grounding Empowerment is a simple energetic tool channelled to help ground and earth ones energies restoring the energy balance, preventing energy leakage, elevating the energy field. Grounding Empowerment is a powerful and useful energetic tool channelled to …

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Abundantia Abundance Ray Reiki

Abundantia Abundance Ray Reiki

Abundantia Abundance Ray will connect you with the energy of Abundantia. Abundantia is a Roman Goddess that is known to give prosperity and wealth to those that connect with her. Abundantia’s symbol is the cornucopia or horn of plenty which is how she distributes money and grain to people. She helps with fertility and great …

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Light Of Prosperity Reiki Attunement

Light Of Prosperity Reiki Attunement

The Light of Prosperity Empowerment connects you to and puts you in harmony with the energies and vibrations of Prosperity and Spirit. You will also be connected to Archangel Michael to help you clear and release negative thought forms concerning money, and to the Angels of Prosperity and the Elements (Earth, Air, Fire, Water) and …

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Usui Reiki (Shiki Ryoho Reiki) Master Level 3

Usui Reiki Master Level 3

At the third level you will be introduced to the Master Symbol and will be able to teach and attune your own students. Included in the manual are guides helping you to teach your own classes and other information to help you. One attunement is included along with ongoing support. An emailed pdf certificate is …

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Usui Reiki (Shiki Ryoho Reiki) Level 2

Usui Reiki Level 2

At level two you are introduced to 3 symbols which help to focus your healing abilities and also help you to send distance healing to people anywhere in the world. One distance attunement will help to amplify your abilities. At level two you can practice professionally — insurance company details will be given to you. …

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Spiritual Gangsta